Windows as a Service demystified – Part 1 – Introduction: What is WaaS?
First let’s get things right: Windows as a Service (WaaS) is NOT a service or a tool; it is a process by…
Publish Azure App Services with Application Gateway
We recently configured this scenario to facilitate some internal testing. The below screen shots show the main areas to…
Azure – Get prepared for the retirement of ‘legacy’ data encryption in Azure Site Recovery
You may already know that Azure Site Recovery (ASR) is encrypting data to ensure your data stay safe and secure. Well,…
Azure Site Recovery – Get prepared for retirement of SCVMM disaster recovery capability
Azure Site Recovery (ASR) is the disaster recovery solution from Microsoft running on Azure to help you manage and reco…
Azure AD B2C – It is now easier to customize authentication page
As you may know, it is possible to use Azure Active Directory (Azure AD or AAD) for your consumer’s application authent…
Optimising Microsoft SCCM Collection Membership Query Rules
More often than not we may have a large SCCM environment with thousands of collections. A common occurrence that I see…
SCCM: Missing source drivers
Scenario I recently had a customer who was having issues importing drivers into their SCCM environment. A user thought…
January 2020 Patch Tuesday Microsoft fixes Crypto API Vulnerability Reported by the US NSA
Microsoft has released a security update to address CVE-2020-0601 to fix a dangerous flaw in Crypt32.dll impacting the…
How to resolve packages stuck “in-progress” in SCCM Distribution Points
We have all seen this in the past and no matter how hard we try to fix this BAU issue, and often we are pressed for tim…