Microsoft Teams

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Teams – You can now set your Live Events to never being recorded

As you know, you can host Live Events with Teams and you can define recording policy to either always record or leave t…

Teams – You can now share email from Outlook to Teams

Sometime, you need to share emails content to Teams. Until now, the only option was either copy/paste of the body and a…

Teams – You can now troubleshoot Teams delegation issues with the Remote Connectivity Analyzer

By now, you should already know the Remote Connectivity Analyzer ( used to help…

Teams – User can disable automatic identification in meeting captions and transcripts

As you may know, Microsoft Teams is able to automatically identify who is talking during a meeting and associate the pa…

Teams – You can now manage the bandwidth during a video call on Teams Mobile

To help you manage the bandwidth (and as such your data consumption), you can now optimize the bandwidth consumed durin…

Teams – You can now share a link when setting up a ‘Join now’ meeting

As you know, you can schedule meetings with Microsoft Teams, including an impromptu one called ‘Meet now’. Until now, w…

Teams – The Teams PowerShell module is going to support Teams Templates

As you know, Teams has introduced about 6 months ago the use of Teams templates (see Well, in…

Teams – You can now add a shared calendar to a channel

As you know Teams is heavily used for team collaboration, letting users the ability to have group conversation, share f…

Teams – You can now enable ‘view-only’ attendees

As you know Teams allows up to 10 000 attendees in a meeting, any more participant will not be able to join. Well, afte…

Teams – You can now start a ‘Meet now’ meeting from Outlook

As you know, you can start a ‘Meet now’ meeting from Teams to initiate a meeting without scheduling it. Well, you can n…