Microsoft Teams

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Teams – The Teams PowerShell module is going to support Teams Templates

As you know, Teams has introduced about 6 months ago the use of Teams templates (see Well, in…

Teams – You can now add a shared calendar to a channel

As you know Teams is heavily used for team collaboration, letting users the ability to have group conversation, share f…

Outlook – You can now set your meeting to be online by default

After providing a setting to make your meeting as online meeting in Outlook Web Access (OWA – aka Outlook on the Web) –…

Teams – You can now enable ‘view-only’ attendees

As you know Teams allows up to 10 000 attendees in a meeting, any more participant will not be able to join. Well, afte…

Teams – You can now start a ‘Meet now’ meeting from Outlook

As you know, you can start a ‘Meet now’ meeting from Teams to initiate a meeting without scheduling it. Well, you can n…

Teams – You can now customize your Teams application

If you have developed/created custom organizational Teams applications, you can now set your organization details such…

Teams – You can now define a duration when setting your status

As you know you can set your Teams status (available, busy or even being offline [see]). Well,…

Teams – You can now get your end-users use preview features

As you know, Microsoft Teams is frequently evolving, adding new features. That said, until now, you had not way to be a…

Teams – A new account experience is under way which will also allow you to sign in with a personal account

As you know, you have been able to sign in with a personal account to Microsoft Teams running on iOS or Android devices…

Teams – The Teams client is now able to reduce/remove background noises

The Teams client has been update to finally include a noise suppression capability. By default, the noise suppression f…