As you may be aware, Outlook clients (for Windows, mobile on iOS and Android or OWA) allow your end-users to shorten a meeting when organizing it.
Well, Exchange administrators can now apply the shorten meeting settings at the organization level using Exchange Online PowerShell (use the V2 version available here
- Connect to your Exchange Online tenant
- Then set the settings for shorten meeting – ShortenEventScopeDefault, DefaultMinutesToReduceShortEventsBy, DefaultMinutesToReduceLongEventsBy
- ShortenEventScopeDefault: define the activation scope.
- 0 the option to shorten meeting is disabled (default)
- 1 for end early
- 2 for start late
- DefaultMinutesToReduceShortEventsBy defines the number of minutes to shorten the meeting. Accepted values between 0 and 29, default is 5
- DefaultMinutesToReduceLongEventsBy defines the number of minutes to shorten the meeting. Accepted values between 0 and 29, default is 10
Example to start late the meeting by 5 minutes both long (more than 1 hour) and short (less than 1 hour) meetings
Set-OrganizationConfig -ShortenEventScopeDefault 2 –DefaultMinutesToReduceLongEventsBy 5 –DefaultMinutesToReduceShortEventsBy 5