Fixing PowerPoint Autosave and Collaboration Issues

The Problem

Our team recently ran into an unusual problem at the office. For a reason unknown to us at the time, users were unable to autosave any PowerPoint (PPT) file that was hosted in SharePoint. Collaboration on a PPT document was also no longer possible. What was even more bizarre was that no other Microsoft Office product was affected by this issue!


So, let’s look at how we fixed this problem.

The Fix

  1. Log into
  1. Under Customisation, go to Policy Management.


  1. Either create a new policy or edit an existing one.

Graphical user interface, application, Teams

Description automatically generated


Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

  1. Locate the policy “Prevent Co-Authoring” for PowerPoint.


  1. Set the policy configuration to “Disabled” (it’s a double negative).


  1. Now wait. The policy will take roughly 24 hours to sync down to client machines. If you want to speed up this process, use Company Portal to force a sync.