Intune – You now have more application deployment options for Intune packages

As you know, you can use Intune/Endpoint Configuration Manager to deploy software, either MSI package, LOB exe or store applications.

Well, you now have access to more options to manage application deployments – from managing user notifications to application availability and deployment – for the Windows app (known as Intune package too).

This makes it closer to what SCCM administrators already had when deploying application with SCCM.

These options are not available when you create the application (at least for now, maybe in a future update).

You can manage the below options by accessing the deployed application after the creation and edit the assignment:

  • User notification; allows you to define if a toast notification is being shown to end-user when you deploy the application. Options available are from show all notification to hide all notification, including just show notification if a computer restart is required
  • Delivery Optimization; allows you to define how the application is going to be downloaded, either background or foreground
  • Availability; allows you to define when the application will be available and an installation deadline
