As you know Microsoft has introduced a new browser earlier in 2015 for Windows 10 and then being made available to iOS, Android and MacOS devices to replace the old Internet Explorer web browser.
Since then, Edge has evolved to move to another browser engine with a new version called Edge Chromium.
So at this time we now have 2 Edge version available:
- Microsoft Edge – so called now Edge Legacy
- Microsoft Edge Chromium – which replace Edge Legacy when installed
In an attempt to get more Edge Chromium installation, Microsoft is going to push Edge Chromium for Office 365 (education and enterprise) customers.
This change does not impact devices managed by either Windows Update for Business (both Intune or SCCM) or Windows Server Update Services (WSUS, either ‘standalone’ WSUS or integrated with SCCM).
For devices which are not managed by any of the above solutions, Microsoft Edge Legacy (aka using the ‘out of the box’ Windows Update) will be replaced by Edge Chromium starting July 30 2020 (first for education customers, enterprise customers schedule is yet to be defined).
Administrators can download and deploy the Blocker Kit here before July 30 2020.