Industry Government, tourism
Date April 2023
South Australia

Enabling Global Collaboration with Microsoft Windows 365

The Customer

South Australia Tourism Commission (SATC) is responsible for securing social and economic benefits to South Australians by promoting South Australia as a tourism destination, including the promotion of events and festivals and the further development and improvement of the state’s tourism industry. SATC aim to increase brand awareness and perception of South Australia as an amazing place to visit for wineries, beaches, nature, wellness, and promoting events, attractions, clean energy, and sustainability. SATC have overseas based staff that work to promote the brand and location to their regional international audiences.

The Problem

SATC had some international staff who used personal devices for their work instead of corporate issued devices. SATC had some systems that were restricted only to the government-controlled state network. The personal devices used by the international staff posed a security risk as they could not be granted VPN access to gain access to this network. SATC needed a solution to enable their staff to access the resources they need while keeping the connection protected.

Implementing Windows 365 solution

SATC implemented Windows 365, a cloud-based PC solution, to provide a middle-ground solution. They set up a cloud PC in their Azure, connected to their Azure network, and granted access to the cloud PC on their personal devices. This provided their international staff with access to the resources they need while keeping the information and access protected.

The team at cubesys implemented and delivered our project within the specified time frame. They engaged a highly knowledgeable team to deliver the project. Their expertise and dedication ensured that our project was a success and helped us achieve our business objectives to help grow tourism in the state and overseas.

Eamonn, South Australian Tourism Commission

The Outcome

SATC was able to implement the Windows 365 solution within a time frame that suited them. cubesys provided knowledgeable subject matter experts on the project who were easy to work with and provided all the necessary documentation and steps that were configured. The Windows 365 solution allowed SATC to have more security control and visibility over their international staff’s activities. The staff also have a lot more ownership over the content and can effectively perform value-added tasks. SATC is now considering using Windows 365 for all their users overseas.

We had a great experience working with cubesys, who collaborated with us every step of the way. The explanations were clear and concise, keeping the project smooth and on track. Dan’s expertise in Windows 365 allowed us to learn more about the project while being guided to its overall delivery and completion.

Luke, South Australian Tourism Commission